My wife recently tried this wine by the glass down at Brasserie Ecosse on a whim as she was looking for something different but still white & chilled as it was hot as hades outside. I think she may have found a new gem after I got my taste of it. We called the bartender over and he told me a little about it. It is from Spain and gets nowhere near the recognition as Rioja does so it is kind of overlooked. Unlike most whites this stuff is aged 100% in stainless steel. As for the taste its pretty smooth and a little sweet with touches of lemon, melon, and apple. Its dry but not the kind of dry like a chianti would be and it finishes very clean. It can also be picked up down at Tony's wine shop (Carriage House) for a surprising $13.
I give this "new" white 7 bigbecks out of 10.
Thanks again Rigby. I will get Tony to set aside a few of these for me.