Monday, February 2, 2009

06 Orin Swift " The Prisoner" Zin Blend

This wonderful wine is a household favorite. I cannot say it better than this"

"The 2006 blends the lush berry flavors of Zinfandel, the power and concentration of Cabernet Sauvignon, the dark black fruit of Syrah, the intensity and structure of Petite Sirah, the flesh of Charbono, and a hint of Grenache - all combined for a decadent wine with great complexity."
The Prisoner has gone from a " Cult" wine to a highly sought after vino for the cellar. I have had the 05, 06, 07 and all of the vintages outperform any other Zin blend in the industry. Age potential is 6-10 years.
I give this wine a consistent 7.5 bigbecks out of 10

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